Dr. Robert W McGwier, Ph.D. Adjunct Faculty, Virginia Tech ARDC Member of Board N4HY: ARRL, TAPR, AMSAT, EARC Sky: AAVSO, Sky360, Auburn AS, Skyscrapers
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: [email protected] Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2022, 10:19 PM Subject: [CubeSat Workshop] Gold Sponsor - ARDC !! To: [email protected], [email protected]
[image: Cubesat Developers Workshop 2021 :: April 26 - 28, 2022 :: San Luis Obispo, CA :: Cal Poly Performing Arts Center :: #CubeSatDW2021] https://www.cubesatdw.org
Hello CubeSat Community, https://www.cubesatdw.org
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) is one of our Gold Sponsors for the 2022 CDW. We are thrilled to have ARDC's support and involvement. ARDC is a private foundation that exists to support amateur radio and digital communication science and technology.
ARDC administers 44 Net and makes grants that support and promote amateur radio; education programs & scholarships, particularly those for under-served groups; and R&D projects in amateur radio and communication science and technology. ampr.org/apply #hamradio #ARDC
You can find ARDC'S booth at spot 14 in the Lobby!
To find more information regarding sponsors, click here. https://www.cubesatdw.org/sponsors-exhibitors-list
* Registration: *
Please also register for the Workshop if not done so yet! The last day to register is THIS Friday April 22nd! After this dealdine we will moving to on-site pricing.
Click here https://www.cubesatdw.org/registration-2022 to register. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected].
Visit our website here https://www.cubesatdw.org for all Workshop updates and to check out the 2021 CDW!
Best Regards, The CubeSat Workshop Team http://cubesat.org https://www.calpoly.edu https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org https://www.cubesatdw.org
*Aerospace Engineering - CubeSat California Polytechnic State University 1 Grand Ave, Bldg 41A Rm. 134 San Luis Obispo CA 93407-0352 USA *
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