Where is everyone on FO-29???
We've got from 145.900 to 146.000 on the uplink, cw or ssb, room for many, many SIMULTANEOUS QSO'S.
Why fight the mob on AO-51???...
Get Marty Davidoff's SATELLITE EXPERIMENTER'S MANUAL if you need help in understanding the procedure...
A fifth grader could do it easily...
Hi Dave, WB6LLO
I agree with you and this is why I work only FO-29 but actually for many reason you are a voice crying in the wilderness.
Unfortunate, but true, Dom...AMSAT-NA made such a big promotion of AO-51, supposedly promote interest in hamsats and increase membership, and I think it did just the opposite...
I've asked many times how many members we acquired, never got an answer so assume it was zero, nada, nil.....
And part of the loss was also many former ssb/cw users that just gave up because of lack of bandspread...
I tried to hold a conversation when 51 was first launched, and was berated severely for making a couple of short sentences!!
What good is it if no intelligence is transferred??
One could swap grid squares on a cell phone, if that is the only interest!!
GO P3E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pulling for P3E...
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...