Right. The first seven were all issued prior to AO-10. For the record, the first to actually work 100 DXCC entities via satellite was Pat, G3IOR. He made heavy use of tropo scatter. Ever the good sport, Pat came over to the States and presented Ben, W2BXA, with Certificate No. 1 at the AMSAT AGM.
73 Ray W2RS Hey Ray... long time. I was AC5DK back on RS-12/13... I know we worked because as I recall you were on about every pass. X^D Anyway, I don't know if it was submitted for an official DXCC, but I seem to remember a CQ article about a DXer that worked 100 countries on RS-12/13 ALONE. Could be one of the guys that already had Sat DXCC and couldn't submit a second time. Just wondering if you remember that... Impressive use of the propagation skip tactic to work birds that were below local horizon.
Quite an accomplishment by John!!! I'm not even sure I could figure out enough countries to work in any footprint to even reach 100! So good on him!
73, Kevin N4UFO