Today, I received Hector's (CO6CBF) qsl cards and am ready to reply to your requests. Please send your cards to me at my address and include a sase. (Of the first 3 cards I answered today, one included an envelope with no return postage.) If you are not able, for financial reasons, to include the postage on the envelope, please say so in the envelope and I'll try and accommodate you. I had one request that was not in his logbook but he was able to verify the contact on his audio recording of the pass. I have his logs from his home grid of EL92 and his recent trip to EL91/FL01. If you have already sent me a card, please give me a few days to play catch-up! Hi! 73 and good huntin'
George Carr WA5KBH 2658 East Levingwood Road Lake Charles Louisiana 70611-3734 USA