This is a bit outside of the realm of traditional amateur satellite launches but I found it to be very interesting nonetheless. Some fans of a popular scifi show have raised the money to launch a replica of the show's time-and-space traveling ship into orbit this fall. From what I know of it so far, it will but a fully functioning sat within a very unusual chassis and will feature a GoPro camera mounted inside with the intention to transmit photos back to earth. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding any real technical information on this "blue bird" but maybe someone here knows more about it? All I could find was a very brief spec sheet. Here's a link to their KickStarter page as well as their official website. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/573935592/were-putting-a-tardis-into-orb... http://tardisinorbit.com/
-73, Joshua KJ4VYR