Hi all,
we just heard Delfi-C3 again over the Delfi-C3 groundstation on the 08:53 pass. Signal was strong, NORAD Object #32786 seemed to fit best, but we are not 100% sure. Judging from the downlink, the spacecraft is in emergency mode. TLE's for object #32786:
1 32786U 08021D 08119.87805543 .00000721 00000-0 10000-3 0 115 2 32786 097.9993 179.9103 0012861 292.3044 067.6803 14.80984919 100
Frequency: 145.930MHz Downlink signal in emergency mode are 2 tones, of 500Hz and 900Hz each, modulated DSB onto the (suppressed) carrier, use USB to receive this signal. These tones themselves are modulated with 100Bd FSK each with raw payload data. If you hear this signal, please record a wav file if possible.
If you hear Delfi-C3 please send your reports to
stating AOS, LOS, frequency, signal strength If possible, please record and attach a WAV file
Wouter Jan Ubbels PE4WJ