I haven't look closely at this, but do we know EiRP from this bird?
I'd most likely use an MTI flat panel 10 GHz antenna I have to track it initially depending on the link budget. The flat panel has 25 dBi gain so about 8 degree beam width. It could make tracking easier...
I'm unsure what I'll use for a receiver yet. I do have a modified European LNB that uses 10 MHz GPS lock. SDR IF's are not a problem. I probably would use my ADALM-Pluto as that can be GPS locked as well. Then no guessing on frequency. We'll see.
On 6/15/2020 5:56 PM, Ken Swaggart W7KKE via AMSAT-BB wrote:
I've sent an email to the point of contact on the IARU web page for TTU100 and will relay any info if I receive a reply. If the X-band transmitter is on over this part of the planet I'll be using a 68 x 61 cm offset feed dish and initially just let the satellite fly through the beam. If I see a decent signal I'll get serious about trying to track it.
I'm using an AirSpy connected to the LNB output. If I capture a I/Q recording I'll post a link for anyone interested. 73, Ken, W7KKE