I have a BIG roving trip planned April 20-23, to hand out some infrequently activated grids along the East Coast and operate from some cool places along the way. In addition, I will take advantage of upping my VUCC/r count by working at least one pass in every grid along my planned route on whatever satellite is available. This will include a total of 22 grid activations over a 4-day sprint. My route will take me from EM71 to FM27, down the coast to EM90, then back to EM71, for a total of 1,922 miles I have tried to include satellite passes that provide coverage to North/Central/South Americas, Europe, and all points in between. Unfortunately, location, a tight schedule, and pass availability does not allow that at every grid. It is going to be a very tight schedule, so hopefully there are no hiccups. Here is the schedule: (Grid/AOS/LOS/Satellite/my az-el) - all times UTC Friday, 20 Apr 2018 EM73|EM74 13:08 13:19 xw2f 36w EM84|EM94 15:49 16:00 ao92 30e EM95|FM05 18:40 18:53 ao85 35nw FM06 20:47 21:01 so50 62sw FM16 23:49 00:01 cas4b 36n Saturday, 21 Apr 2018 FM16 07:54 08:11 ao7 14e FM17 09:45 10:08 ao7 85e 10:59 11:12 so50 89nw 11:36 11:55 fo29 32ne 12:41 12:52 so50 12nw 13:20 13:40 fo29 51w FM27 15:11 15:22 fo29 6w 15:29 15:40 ao92 30e 15:49 15:55 ao85 3e 17:03 17:13 ao92 15w FM26 19:32 19:46 so50 43ne 20:19 20:31 cas4b 28se 20:42 21:03 ao7 86w 21:12 21:25 so50 20w 21:58 22:11 cas4b 62n Sunday, 22 Apr 2018 FM15|FM25 09:44 09:56 so50 24e 10:43 10:58 fo29 12ne 11:24 11:37 so50 30nw FM13|FM14 16:10 16:21 ao85 15e 17:49 18:02 ao85 38nw FM03|FM04 19:29 19:40 ao91 24w FM02 23:42 23:53 fo29 6e 00:44 00:54 ao85 7ne 01:24 01:43 fo29 64e 02:23 02:38 ao85 50ne 03:10 03:26 fo29 21nw 04:04 04:17 ao85 19w Monday, 23 Apr 2018 EM92 14:37 14:47 xw2a 52w EM91 16:23 16:35 ao92 70w EM90 18:14 18:25 ao85 17nw
Updates will be posted on Twitter @KE4ALabama and on my website https://ke4al.wordpress.com/ Hope to get you in the log - 73, Robert KE4AL