*UPDATE from "Doc" WA7HQD*:
"Doc" lost power on his FT-817 during the pass, that is why he disappeared, he will be on the "car battery" next SO-50 pass to be safe!
"Doc" logged the following stations from *DM28 on SO-50*: /*NP4JV*//* *//*NX9B*//* *//*WN9Q*//* *//*N1JEZ*//* *//*KB1RVT*//* *//*KA4H*/
"Doc" wants to remind everyone that /if you are in the/ *LOG, PLEASE STAND_BY FOR OTHERS TO WORK DM28!!*
_"Doc" has already uploaded the QSO's listed above to LoTW, CONGRATULATIONS to those who got a "New One"__._
I specifically asked him about FO-29 and he said he will be on the 18:46 & 20:23UTC passes of FO-29 to help get to the Eastern part of North America. his plans are to work the next SO-50 pass and then 2-FO-29 passes and he will wrap up his operations.
FO-29 /*Fixed TX Frequency: 145.945*/ /*RX only tune @435.860-70*/
Good Luck to those looking for the grid
Good Luck All & Good SatDX 73 K4FEG