Greetings, John and Everyone.


The simple answer to your question is that wherever you have used your [email protected], you will need to update your profile to a new email address.  This includes the AMSAT-BB and ANS Weekly Bulletins lists.  You can get instructions and links to update these two lists at:


Remembering that AMSAT is composed of 100% unpaid volunteers, it would be a nearly insurmountable task for our two (yes, two) IT staff members to reliably contact and confirm receipt of reception to several thousand email address on that list – many of which have already been hijacked and turned into robot spams. Really, each of us has to take personal responsibility for when and where we use our email addresses as we must do with all our personal information.


The decision to eliminate the email alias service was not done lightly. After considerable discussion among the Board of Directors and Senior Officers, it was decided to relieve the IT staff of that losing battle and to better use that money to putting the Fox-Plus and GOLF satellites into space.


Everyone’s support of AMSAT is important. Using AMSAT members’ dues and donations to the best possible use is of the highest priority.


Kind Regards,



Frank Karnauskas, N1UW


Direct Contact

3670 E. Kingler Spring  Pl.

Tucson, AZ 85718

(612) 644-9174

[email protected]