HIT1 Bureau call sign : JR8YJT HIT2 Absolute time information : [A]Month,[BB]Day,[CC]hour, [DD]minute,[EE]second,[FF]RSSI HIT3 Each temperature information : [GG]+X face,[HH]-X face,[II]+Y face, [JJ]-Y face,[KK]+Z face,[LL]-Z face, [MM]temperature of wireless machine, [NN]temperature of battery HIT4 Power supply information : [OO]Amount of 1st battery, [PP]Amount of 2nd battery [QQ]5V,[RR]5.5V HIT5 Amateur radio service : TNX[Callsign1],TNX[CallSign2],
Example : [A] 1...Jan, 9...Sep, a...Oct, b...Nov, C...Dec [BB] 1 - 31, [CC] 00 - 23, [DD] 00 - 59, [EE] 01-59 [FF] RSSI(Receive Signal Strength Indication), change from hex to dec x, and y = x*5/255 [V] Maximum 2.15 [V] [GG][HH][II][JJ][KK][LL][MM][NN] change from hex to dec x, and y = x*5/255 [V] and y*(-122.99)+214.94 = TEMP [C] [OO][PP] x/256*10 = E [V] [QQ][RR] x/256*5*1.212766 = E [V]
HIT1 JR8YJT HIT2 9280221372A HIT3 4C4B4F4C4D484A4B HIT4 C1D8D1E2 HIT5 Comming Soon
Then HIT1 JR8YJT HIT2 Sep 28, 02:21:37 JST, RSSI 0.824[V] HIT3 +X 32.37[C], -X 34.77[C] +Y 25.17[C], -Y 32.37[C] +Z 29.47[C], -Z 41.98[C] temperature of wireless machine 37.18[V] temperature of battery 34.77[C] HIT4 Amount of 1st battery 7.54[V] Amount of 2nd battery 8.43[V] 5V line 4.95[V], 5.5V line 5.35[V]
--------------------------------------------- Name: Mineo Wakita / JE9PEL, JAMSAT member Mail: [email protected] URL : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ QTH : Yokohama Japan, GL:pm95tj Date: Sep 29, 2006 ---------------------------------------------