FS-3 is a complicated topic because there are a lot of moving parts and everyone's hardware / software setup is different.
The key items to get straight are RX-audio, TX-audio, & PTT. All that comes together and it controlled by the UZ7HO High-Speed Soundmodem app, as you mentioned.
As a starting point, I'm happy to share the settings that work for my particular RX / TX / PTT setup. Here is a picture w/ comments:
... but of course there is a lot more to it. We need to have everything on the RX & TX side set with wide enough audio bandwidth to handle 9600 data, we need to have a COM-port controlled PTT relay, and yet another COM port ID is assigned by the computer via the "HW Virtual Serial Port" app to give the WiSP (MSPE) software what it requires. If that's not enough, since the downlink is constantly transmitting, the "full-duplex" option in UZ7HO HS_Soundmodem needs to be enabled.
But as a first step, I hope that the picture of my settings might ring a bell and help you realize what is not working exactly right in your setup.
Lastly, for anyone not familiar with FalconSat-3, a very neat feature is that the APRS digipeater -and- BBS both work at the same time. So, you can use something like UISS to send/receive APRS messages, WiSP or the new PacSat Ground Station to upload/download messages posted on the BBS, or both at the same time. All the traffic from both spacecraft services is riding on the same full-duplex 9600 data stream, so both services can be utilized by multiple operators all at the same time during a pass.
-Scott, K4KDR
On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 2:18 PM Vincenzo Mone via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
Hi folks,
I have been off from the satellite for a while due to the broken Funcube Dongle Pro Plus.
I have ordered and received a coupe of days ago my new one but I cannot get it working
Properly on the Falconsat-3 Bird.
I explain the problem hoping in some help.
I am using SDRSharp - HW Virtual Serial Port - UZ7HO's High Speed Soundmodem
- Wisp
When I receive the satellite I can see the data incoming in the UZ7HO's High Speed Soundmodem
But I do not see nothing in the MSPE ( Wisp ).
When I try to transmit I can see the radio going in TX and it remains in TX as locked and get the error form the
UZ7HO's High Speed Soundmodem saying:
Error opening wave output device (unspecified error).
I cannot get in RX again so I need to reset the PC.
Please anybody can explain me were am I doing wrong?
73 de Enzo IK8OZV
EasyLog 5 BetaTester
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WinBollet BetaTester
D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
Skype: ik8ozv8520
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