Hi Drew,
It's a California Microwave unit that has already been modified. The plan right now is for portable use. Two HTs, a 5/8 wave mag mount on my truck for the uplink and whatever antenna I can come up with for the downlink. I have a small gell cell battery that will power the downconverter.
73 Matt W5LL
On 9/10/2010 9:15 AM, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Matt Patterson wrote:
Thanks to everyone for all of your responses. It looks like I have found a downconverter. Next question... Does anyone have any ideas on a cheap and easy homebrew antenna? Would a "cantenna" work for a small portable setup? I'm trying to do this as cheaply as possible as AO-51 isn't in this mode very often.
73 Matt W5LL
Hi Matt,
Which downconverter did you find? Do you intend to work the satellite portable, or mount the 2.4Ghz antenna on a rotor? Let me know, and I'll make a recommendation or two.
73, Drew KO4MA