Tony -
We heard something intriguing after about 14:43:40 UT as the tracking said the satellite was on it's way off to the north pole.
The 'chuff-chuff' description reminds me of a sound we seem to hear quite a lot. Quite often it coincides with a pass, though I think we hear the same (or very similar) during times when Prospero is over the horizon.
We are going to try the next pass at ~16:00UT if you want to listen in again. Our new ploy is to wait for the last most opportune moment to command, as the power _may_ be at it highest (longest charging of batteries, potentially). So, we'll do short commanding at above 30o el, and listen.
Tony Abbey wrote:
Hi Roger
I could hear some "chuff-chuff" noises on the last pass and they show a related doppler shift (although I am not correcting sufficiently) as you can see in the attached plot. Maybe its some other noise but you never know.
On 26 Oct 2011, at 13:39, Roger Duthie wrote:
Commanding went well, from as far as we could make out. We're not sure if we're getting anything back, however.
We'll be doing this pass today, hopefully:
26 Oct http://www.heavens-above.com/Gtrack.aspx?Session=kebgfdallleggankjgmmlbel&satid=5580&date=40842.6100238657 7.3 15:31:43 10 S 15:38:26 60 E 15:46:11 10 NNE
[Times in BST = UTC + 1]