seems there was a lot more deep-fades. Made decoding a bit more lengthily. Is she spinning? The "Eye" sometimes had a difficult time holding the proper, what I believe is, proper form to make a decode.
A previous pass was the high-speed and got nothing off that with my Funcube
That "FOX-1A Computer RT Battery 12c "FAIL "" is that an issue up there?
This pass I fooled around with the Win-7 sound device settings for the FCDP+ .. I thought I might be seeing some flat-topping on the Sample view of the first tab. It was set at 100. I was able to get down around 15 and still decode. Left it about 90 .
For unattended operation, should I set "Find Signal" ? I have frequency set to 145960 . track doppler (x) was Find Signal but I am not sure if this is desirable.
W/O it, will program center on a 4 to 7 SNR peak all by itself?