Wow, I can't believe you hijacked this thread to continue to spread misinformation and play the victim card. No one in AMSAT is stopping you from having Board Meetings, other than yourselves. Part of being a leader is to build consensus and motivate those you work with or under you. When differing positions are present, you work towards a compromised solution to allow the organization to move forward and grow. Did either you or Patrick reach across the aisle and ask one of the other 5 Directors to join you in a call for a meeting? As you said, you needed 3 Directors to call a meeting. You already had 2. I really find it hard that no one would join you, especiall when at least two of the votes you disclosed were split 4-3. Does the meeting have to be conducted by teleconference? The Board has a mailing list, so a meeting could be conducted via email. That same mailing list could be used to discuss issues and develop a plan of action that could then be acted upon. Does the Board have to hold a monthly meeting? If not, how often? I notice that ORI, per their website, conducted 3 meetings in 2018 and only one in 2019. Is their work that much less important than AMSAT that the Board needs to meet so infrequently? On that same website, https://openresearch.institute/executive-board-meeting-minutes/%C2%A0 I see that ORI conducts its board meetings via email. Would that not answer the question above. AMSAT Directors are elected by the members, and the Directors elect the Officers (thank you for your vote, by the way). You also have the right as a Director to call for the dismissal of an officer when they do not perform to standard. To my knowledge you and Patrick have made not such call, yet you continually continue to berate AMSAT Officers and fellow Directors in public and in private. Let's be honest. The only way you can get what you want is to take control of AMSAT. That's not leadership.
Enough of the political spin and outright lies. Let us do our job and you and Patrick do your.
Robert, KE4AL
On Thursday, July 16, 2020, 12:51:54 PM CDT, Michelle Thompson via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
It is not fair to say "you guys are AMSAT" (only guys?), when so many of us for so long have proposed things to officers that are ignored or rejected without cause.
Asking the customer to fix the problem means that current leadership doesn't know what to do.
Some of us have been prevented from even having access to communications.
Patrick Stoddard and I were denied access to the BoD email archive for many months.
With no board meetings, by definition there is no direction or oversight for IT. It's run completely by officers without any input from anyone elected by the membership.
Joe KM1P is a hero. He has served and produced excellent work, under trying conditions, for a long time. He does this out of generosity and does this with care.
So, yes, we should speak up for what we want and yes, "we are AMSAT".
Please speak up. But also vote for a functional board that will help volunteers like Joe have an easier job, support what needs to be done to modernize AMSAT-BB, and will have his back.
Volunteers like Joe will get that from Patrick and myself. We need more on the board to make this happen.
Please consider voting for Bob McGwier, Howie DeFelice, and Jeff Johns.
Thank you,
-Michelle W5NYV