Last path:KF7ODR-1>3W5VYP via WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,KI6JJW-1 [http://aprs.fi/info/KI6JJW-1] (seriously-bad) [http://d1dhsh1i77j8ju.cloudfront.net/img/path-seriously-bad.png] This station appears to be flying at high altitude and using digipeaters, which causes serious congestion in the APRS network. The tracker should be configured to only use digipeaters when at low altitude APRS.FI is mad at you! 73 Joe N3HGB
On June 9, 2011 at 3:09 PM Jordan Hayes KG6UAE [email protected] wrote:
Balloon is up! http://aprs.fi/KF7ODR-1 But their main interest is their UHF packet downlink on 437.092
My TM-D700 in Berkeley doesn't seem to go to lower step size than 5khz, but I can sorta hear some squawking on 437.090 ... at least it's better than 437.09375 ...
But, alas, my radio doesn't decode any messages.
/jordan KG6UAE
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