27 Feb
27 Feb
8:30 p.m.
Returning to this topic...
I'm thinking about a rotator that can handle a small system like the Arrow, or the Cushcraft A270-6s or even the A270-10s. NOT big boomers like the KLM 22/40 el CP yagis!
So we're looking at 1½ - 2 sq. ft of windloading, and maybe 10 lbs of weight. (Including some sort of crossboom, clamps, coax and counterweights. Rear mounted antennas like the Arrow will need a rear-mounted counterweight.)
Anybody qualified to say what that adds up to in terms of TORQUE required from the motors? With a little extra thrown in for a safety margin, maybe?
I think a simple, low-cost, easily reproducible design is probably doable, if we combine our ingenuity and expertise.
-- 73, de Gus 8P6SM Barbados, the easternmost isle.