12 Oct
12 Oct
3:23 p.m.
Mark, N8MH from North Carolina has sent his recording of SRMVU pass over FM05pj at 13:53utc 12 Oct 2011. The wave file can be downloaded from here: http://mbf.me/nTppW
The decoded telemetry using fldigi software is as below: *P**V*S R M V U C Z Z*VU C Z Z P X ***CS R M V U C Z* **/* C S R M V U CZZPXCSRM 4* ZZ P**ZZP X C SR* *M V U C Z Z PXCSRMVU*FRM* ***ZZPZCSRMVUCZ***
S R M V U CZZPX Satellite Mode: C - Normal Magnetometer Status: Z - Ready GPS Status: Z Payload Status: P Temperature Status: X - 10 to 20 degree celcius Battery Status: C - Less than 7 V
73 Dinesh Cyanam KC2YQJ