The general guidance in the early years of operating linear transponders was to adjust your transmitter to maintain a constant receive frequency. Experience with the Mode J transponder on FO-12 caused the gudiance to be updated to tuning the higher of the two frequencies. See the Sept 14, 1987 Amateur Satellite Report for more details ( http://www.ka9q.net/asr-1987.pdf).
With computer control, it’s a simple matter to adjust both your transmit and receive frequencies once you get your software calibrated, but for those tuning manually, the guidance is to tune the higher of the two frequencies and leave the lower frequency as constant as possible.
Operating linear transponders takes a bit of practice, but it’s fairly easy and becomes second nature after you get a dozen passes or so under your belt. There’s no need to think up new schemes to make them “easier.”
Paul, N8HM
On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 08:19 Bill Booth [email protected] wrote:
On 2018-04-13 9:41 PM, Eric Fort wrote:
As I understand it, the goal is to adjust your transmitter such that
your frequency at the satellite is constant.
I have been on the sats since Oscar 6 and the RS series and it was the other way around I thought. You kept the transmit steady and adjusted the receiver. I do not use computer control of the rig. I suspect my log has 400 entries.
Did the standard method change or have I been doing it wrong all these years
-- Bill Booth VE3NXK Sundridge ON, Canada 79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N FN05ns
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