On 4/6/09, Edward Cole [email protected] wrote:
I guess no one considers the FT-847, yet I consider it superior rig to the venerable FT-736R. I comes ready to interface DB-9 RS232 jack. Only issue is it is now out of production. They show up used on e-bay at about $900-1100.
I agree, it's a great satellite radio, but I always used it with manual tuning :-) However it has a lot, and I mean a lot of more or less strong birdies on the 2m band. Also the power switch fails too soon and too often if you use the original yaesu part. I also noticed that NB has almost no effect on the typical impulse noise that is silenced by all other NB of my other rigs. This NB problem has been confirmed by another friend owning the FT-847 (I still have to go and listen for the 2m birdies).
73 Francesco IZ8DWF