28 Jun
28 Jun
1:40 a.m.
Confession of ignorance:
On the pdf Field Day Summary sheet, there is a space for voice QSOs (OK on those), CW/RTTY/PSK31 (OK on those), and for Up/Downloads (e.g. on UO-11(?)).
What is meant by Up/Download with respect to Field Day and/or satellites in general? I couldn't find UO-11 listed as either a communications satellite or a telemetry satellite on the AMSAT website list of satellites. I figured if I found a link for the satellite it would answer my question.
A point to a helpful link will be a sufficient answer, but a written introduction to the topic on this BB would be wonderful.
Steve AI9IN
(And I did not try to do any half-semi-anti-duplex up/downloads, so back off on that.)