VUCC Satellite Standing November 2023 VUCC Satellite Award/Endorsement Change Summary for October 01, 2023 to November 01, 2023. ------------------------------------------------------------ WA4NVM 1639 1653 K8DP 1555 1575 WC7V 1400 1426 N8RO 1356 1368 W5CBF 1201 1224 N0JE 1025 1057 S57NML 615 1028 F4BKV 900 1000 XE1AO 801 1000 N3GS 980 986 NS3L 851 875 W8LR 801 818 KN2K 804 808 KQ4DO 750 808 VE1VOX 610 731 N0GVK 543 701 XE1MYO 575 650 N8MR 581 617 N6UTC 525 551 KB2YSI 450 531 JG6CDH 468 515 A65BR 477 513 IW7DOL 474 504 JS1LQI 318 436 N3CAL 412 435 KO9A 424 434 N8URE (FM19) 409 430 JN1BPM 314 426 NA1ME 350 383 DL8GAM 301 351 N6PAZ 290 326 CT1ETE 283 323 JR8QFG 105 255 KB3IAI 175 254 KH6WI 203 252 KV4T 219 238 JI5USJ 200 236 DJ7NT 133 234 ZS1TA 152 202 K6VHF 151 201 N7GR 141 179 JF3MKC 150 175 JA1XGI New 174 I1FQH New 173 JL3OUW New 123 KB9RUG New 121 KS4YT 100 113 A65D New 111 KI7WXP New 100 YG3EMH New 100 ------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations to the new VUCC holders. YG3EMH is first VUCC Satellite holder from Indonesia and OI71 KI7WXP is first VUCC Satellite holder from DN09 A65D is first VUCC Satellite holder from LL74
DXCC Satellite Standing November 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------ DXCC Satellite Award/Endorsement Change Summary for October 01, 2023 to November 01, 2023. ------------------------------------------------------------ YO2KHK 142 151 SV8CS 146 150 YO2RR 136 138 WC7V 100 125 ZS2BK New 106 K0JM New 101 YU0W New 101 F5VMJ New 100 KE8RJU New 100 TF1A New 100 ------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to the new DXCC holders. K0JM is first DXCC Satellite holder from MN YU0W is first DXCC Satellite holder from Serbia TF1A is first DXCC Satellite holder from Iceland
73 Jon N7AZ