Dear All,
See trailing mails below about the F3 re-entry Award.
Mark (VK5QI) was presented with the Award electronically yesterday and the hard copy was put in the post today.
I wish to stress (see Mark's VK5QI mail below) that Satnogs network and Fredy Damkalis were instrumental to capture the last F3 signals.
Congratulation to you Freddy and to Satnogs, the award was delivered to the receiving station as per our rules and thanks to Mark (VK5QI) to have brought this fact to our knowledge, in all modesty, so that things be clear to all.
I just want to inform all and per Mark’s (VK5QI) wish, officially give the credit to Satnogs and Fredy as deserved.
I take this opportunity to again thanks Mark (N8MH) for having kept F3 operational for so many years
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mark Jessop vk5qi@rfhead.net Subject: Re: F3 Award Date: February 11, 2023 at 3:24:03 AM GMT+4 To: "Mark L. Hammond" marklhammond@gmail.com Cc: Jean Marc Momple jean.marc.momple@gmail.com, Ujodha Doorga ujodha@gmail.com
Hi Jean-Mark,
Thanks for this! Certainly not expected!
I should give credit where credit is deserved - SatNOGS. While the receiving station is mine, I was not aware that F3 was re-entering, and all the scheduled observations for this period were by Fredy Damkalis (In fact, I've barely touched the station in 6 months, it's been running on automatic the whole time). I only found well after the re-entry that my station picked up the last few packets.
73 Mark VK5QI
On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 3:08 AM Mark L. Hammond <marklhammond@gmail.com mailto:marklhammond@gmail.com> wrote: Congratulations, Mark VK5QI! What a nice accomplishment and accolade. Bravo!
Thanks Jean-Marc and friends for doing this lovely award.
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH] AMSAT Director and Command Station
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 10:48 AM Jean Marc Momple <jean.marc.momple@gmail.com mailto:jean.marc.momple@gmail.com> wrote: Dear Mark,
I am pleased to present to you the attached F3 AWARD on behalf of the Mauritius Amateur Radio Society (MARS).
The printed copy and a MIR-SAT 1(MO112) first day cover will be sent to your postal address by next week, please send me an e-mail when you receive same.
Congratulations and thanks for your support to the F3 end of mission.
Jean Marc (3B8DU) President MARS