It's Happening! We are announcing the 3rdish Annual Walmart Parking Lots on the Air! Grease up your LidSticks, Keep your pajamas on, it's time to make some QSO’s!
Starting this Saturday July 2nd 0000z (Friday Night) there will be 24 hours of Madness on the birds. Satellite conasuir’s will be activating Walmart Parking lots around the globe for this out of this world contest (a real contest, unlike field day)! Bonus points for returning shopping carts, extra credit for making a QSO while eating chicken from the deli (cold or warm) and even good samaritan awards (unclaimed, come on!).
Hope to hear from you!
Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/WMPLOTA
Check out the rules and details at https://wmplota.org/
*Please Note: This event is not endorsed, sponsored, backed, monitored, or scored by AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, or its subsidiaries. They wouldn't be able to handle this. And we didn’t ask.