Do you have a really sharp satellite setup mounted in a pickup truck like John, K8YSE used to have?
Take a look at https://www.hollandarc.org/?attachment_id=6849
I am helping handling the "rover" viewing area for the Hamvention this year. We have K8JH's "Ham-Van", Andrea's, K2EZ's amazing DC to light rover, and John, KM4KMU will be there with his Rover Jeep, low band setup.
I do not want to take away from any demonstrations that Amsat might have going on, but if you have a permanent or semi-permanent setup, like on the bed of a pickup truck, or a trailer, we would very much like to see if you would stage it at Dayton for others to see. We are not looking for the stop/setup up equipment on a tripod type setup. The vehicle should be able to pull up and operate.
If you have such a vehicle, or know someone who does, please consider having a great time at Dayton demonstrating it.
Tom Bosscher K8TB