I have to disagree. Have you tried working one of the FM birds using a 2 watt ht and a whip antenna ? The FM birds are something I can work while traveling. Have been able to find a SSB setup that is compact enough to carry on a plane.
Look at this from an emergency perspective. If you only had an ht and couldnt access a repeater, you woul at least have a chance to get help on a satellite pass.
Ron Ka4kyi
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 6, 2011, at 1:15 AM, Dave Guimont [email protected] wrote:
I've worked every ham satellite that has been launched since I got on Oscar 7, cw, most of my gear at that time home brew in 1980.
For the life of me I cannot see any difference in pushing a button on an FM bird than operating a cell phone, except that it is a 2 user operation and the time available is limited...
Waste of good AMSAT funds......skill level 1, on a 1 to 10 basis...
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected] Disagree: I learn.... Pulling for P3E...
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