Bryce Salmi wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am a senior studying Electrical Engineering at the Rochester
Institute of Technology (RIT) and I am a member of a senior design group that was sponsored by AMSAT to produce an engineering prototype *Maximum Power Point Tracker* (MPPT) for the Fox-2 satellite. Most members of our team are licensed radio amateurs and active members of the RIT Amateur Radio Club K2GXT and have had quite the experience with this project! We've worked extremely hard over the past 20 weeks to design and build a working MPPT. We'd enjoy sharing this experience with anyone interested.
Ok, so be honest here... How far did you all have to read before you realized he was NOT talking about the Microsoft Office application?
Bryce, this looks like an excellent and fun project, not to mention the great potential for Dilbert cartoon fodder.
Greg KO6TH