Anyone at a University with an excellent Antenna Lab?
When I went through PG school 39 years ago, I was IMPRESSED with the Antenna lab on the roof of Spanagel Hall at NPS in Monterey California and have envied it ever since.
I may have an opportunity to begin planning for a major building upgrade at my school and want to propose a modern root-top antenna lab. But my experience is 39 years old, and even then there was a hint (in 1971) that the end of HF was around the corner and so that antenna lab was already in decline...
Maybe all antennas labs have atrophed to the internet and have completely abandoned real-live-RF antennas, and so using them as an examples might be a negative example instead of a positive one.
But in either case, I need to get some infor for planning a dream antenna lab... Even though Ill probably be 6' under by the time it comes to pass.
Hummh... A ham license lasts 10 years... I wonder if one could design a a 10 year micro-beacon for one's headstone that would last exactly 10 years from the time of one's last renewal... Keep the range to 100 feet within the cemetery and not many bodies around you would complain.. Though I guess if there is another ham planted nearby, he would find something to complain about the issue of timely control..Probably best to use a key chain license free XMTR I guess...