I had this issue too. The problem was the 1" wide tape used for 2m is too wide for 70cm. Use a 1/2" wide tape for 70cm and it should work.
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Thu, Mar 28, 2024, 18:23 Richard Lawn via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I’m trying to develop a dual band tape measure yagi kit for our club. I started with a simple 2m 3 element yagi and it works great! I think attempted to add a 5 element 70cm tape measure yagi in a perpendicular plane to the 2m elements. From what I’ve read there is no need for a hairpin match for the 70 cm yagi. It works poorly and shows a match if 2:1 or higher and I can’t seem to get this number down to something more reasonable as us the case with the 2m section. By the way it still resonates well will low SWR after adding the perpendicular 70cm elements. Does any one have any suggestions or can point to an article, website or YouTube that I might not have seen?
Rick, W2JAZ
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