I have not done it yet, but the parts are in the shack: I will be installing two buffer IF amps on the IC-910H. These will feed my SDR-IQ (main and sub rx) . This was my original thought. However, I also ordered a FM filter for my K3, and I will simply have the K3 monitor the IF tap of the main receiver of the IC-910H. One annoyance to me is the +/- 1 kHz RIT of the IC-910H. Not good enough when chasing some non computer assisted folks on the birds (ssb/cw). With the K3, I then would have essentially an unlimited RIT just from the tuning control.
There, now that I explained it, I had better warm up the iron right?
tom K8TB
On 5/3/2011 11:50 AM, Edward R. Cole wrote:
*Note: the K3 is not able to do duplex at this time, but I have an idea how it could by using the dual receiver IF. My K3 with DEMI transverter is much superior to the FT-847 on 2m, but that is only for very weak-signal applications (satellites are on the strong side of weak-signal if you get my drift), and use on HF (which is not the question that was asked).