AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests, conventions, maker faires, and other events.
An email received by AMSAT Ambassador Clint Bradford K6LCS after presenting to the Daytona Beach ARA this evening:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi Clint,
Thank you for the well-done presentation this evening. After the Zoom session had ended, my members would not go home: They just wanted to keep talking about your presentation. Again, well done and thank you.
73 Phil N2EDX VP Daytona Beach ARA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Think a 75-minute presentation on "working the easy satellites" would be appropriate for your club or event? Send email to Clint at k6lcsclint (at) gmail (dot) com or calling 909-999-SATS (7287)!