Having the FT-847 since early 1998 and observing the IC-910 I would recommend both over the TS-2000 or new IC-9100 on basis of bucks spent. I realize both the 847 and 910 are out of production but good used units are available for <$900.
The TS-2000 "birdie" issue is unforgivable for the money spent (Unless you are not interested in satellites which the FT-857/897 would then be my choice). The IC-9100 is outrageously expensive and would only be a choice if you have no HF equipment. It is still too new for a complete opinion (for what you spend you could have top notch transverters and a new K3*, or buy two FT-817 with amps for a lot less).
*Note: the K3 is not able to do duplex at this time, but I have an idea how it could by using the dual receiver IF. My K3 with DEMI transverter is much superior to the FT-847 on 2m, but that is only for very weak-signal applications (satellites are on the strong side of weak-signal if you get my drift), and use on HF (which is not the question that was asked).
73, Ed - KL7UW
At 06:46 AM 5/3/2011, Dee wrote:
Andrew, Being in this end of the hobby for "many" years, I have learned that sometimes the choice comes down to what you can afford. While the TS2000 is a nice radio, with the birdie problem, it leaves a question. Ihave had 2 Icom 910's for many years and even have one of them adapted with the 1.2ghz module. Both have worked flawless and have been more than adequate. The new ICOM 9100 (which you ask about) is a bit pricey for the bands provided. I have been following the production of the 9100 and it has become out of an average hams price range. While the specs are very good, you can achieve the same effect with a TS2000 - Icom 910- Yaesu 847 and even the older icom 820 (?) - Once again, I have always advised sat ops to spend the money on the antennas and coax as this is where you'll find the most advantage for your operation. Good luck and go to the AMSAT website to obtain a truck load of info pertaining to satellite station construction and operating advice. 73, Dee, NB2F NJ AMSAT Coordinator
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Alvaro Gaviria Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 4:51 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Question about radios
Hello all,
Can someone tell what is better for satellite work, the Kenwood TS-2000X or the Icom IC- 9100 ??
Best regards
Andrew HK4MKE
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Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45 ====================================== BP40IQ 500 KHz - 10-GHz www.kl7uw.com EME: 50-1.1kW?, 144-1.4kw, 432-100w, 1296-testing*, 3400-? DUBUS Magazine USA Rep [email protected] ======================================