Orbit #52712 1640z was also no signal from FO-29.
The JARL office is closed Saturday and Sunday. I guess the JARL FO-29 command station will not act until Monday.
Masa JN1GKZ Tokyo Japan
Hi Domenico,
unfortunately I noticed just the same. FO-29 was OFF.
BUT, during the orbit #52709 the FO-29 was workable. It was a small accessing window for me over Asia between 10:55-11:00 UTC with 10 degr. max Elevation, and I'm 100% sure the FO-29 was OK because I heard clear my CQ-CQ on Downlink (CW). So, the "sign-OFF" happened between #52709-52710 orbit and this pass was over USA. Maybe some friend from US can be inform us if the FO-29 was OK over the State pass.
73, Mak SV1BSX
--- i8cvs domenico.i8cvs@tin.it wrote:
Hi All,
To day 20 april FO-29 was OFF during the ascending orbit 52710 over Europe No the 435.795 MHz CW beacon was heard nor the Voice/CW mode JA transponder was operating and not the usual translated noise was received and FO-29 was in sun light
I will monitor the next available orbits 52711 and 52712 over the mediterranean and the atlantic ocean
Beginning from orbit 52713 FO-29 will be in range with the USA
Please monitor and send reports.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico