Hello All,
At about 2043utc on 2 May 2008 I commanded AO-16 back ON. Apparently the increasing eclipse periods require another reduction in the transmitter output power. AO-16 is now back and operational in voice repeater mode, with a slightly reduced output. It is reporting around 1.2 watts output, so it is still quite loud.
AO-16 is again configured for voice mode and is open for normal operations:
Uplink: 145.920 MHz FM Downlink: 437.0260 MHz DSB (LSB and USB).
Users of AO-16 are encouraged to report any aberrant operations by either posting to the AMSAT-BB or by emailing the command team at n8mh AT amsat.org "Aberrant operations" might include the following: complete loss of signal from the spacecraft or significant change in the transmitter frequency.
Oh behalf of the command team,
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]