It depends on your goals.
If you want the absolute maximum telemetry, then you want a regular beam and rotator, same as you would use for QSOs. I have that for normal SatCom and some coax switches/relays to switch it from my radio to my FunCube Dongle/FoxTelem.
Normally, I use homemade Lindenblads for my FoxTelem telemetry and also the same set with a splitter for my SatNogs station. The most recent AMSAT Journal had two designed for 3D printed 70cm Lindenblads, although the ones I am currently using are AA2TX's (search for AA2TX Lindenblad--there are two different articles/designs, one for each band).
I have also mentioned in the past that I have had surprisingly good luck with an Arrow Antennas dual-band J-pole. It is not going to pull in as much as a beam and has a few null spots (like right off the end), but it is inexpensive, dual-band, no building required.
Burns WB1FJ
On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 10:33 AM Stephen Thornber via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Interested in what software your going to use for telemetry decoding.
Sent from my iPhone
On 3 Feb 2021, at 15:24, Roy Dean [email protected] wrote:
When my K3RLD-RPi station was active, I was averaging about 70 frames a
day between 4 satellites (AO's 85, 91, 92, and 95). The antenna was a 3/4 length (~60 inches, if I remember correction) vertical with 4 horizontal radials of the same length. This was mounted in my attic with about 6 feet of feedline (RG-8X) to the FCDPP.
Not suggesting it, just giving you a data point.
--Roy K3RLD
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