I've written a new Ground station for FalconSat-3. If you had an initial go with WISP without success or if you have never tried to decode FalconSat-3, now is a good time to try. This requires much less setup than WISP. And don't be put off if you don't have a hardware TNC, this will work with a soundcard TNC. Or, if you didn't try to listen to FalconSat-3 because you don't have a station that can transmit commands to the spacecraft, then read on. We still need your help to decode telemetry.
In particular we would like to encourage people to download the Telemetry and forward it to an AMSAT telemetry server. Currently more telemetry is generated than we can download with AMSAT Operations ground stations. Receive only stations can contribute to that as well as stations equipped to transmit to FalconSat-3 and request files. You can see telemetry uploaded so far here: http://tlm.amsatfox.org/tlm/FalconSat-3
There are details about the spacecraft, how to install the software and how it works in the manual available if you download the software or online here: http://www.g0kla.com/pacsat/pacsat_ground_manual.pdf
You can download the software at www.g0kla.com/pacsat/index.php. I have also written some blog posts and thoughts about the software for anyone interested. They are linked from the download page.
There is much to do here of course and most of it probably won't get done. I would call this a beta release. If you have suggestions or bug fixes please log them online at https://github.com/ac2cz/Falcon/issues or send me an email.
The software is open source. All the details are here: https://github.com/ac2cz/Falcon/ The telemetry processing and display leverages common code from FoxTelem in a library here: https://github.com/ac2cz/libTelem/