Err, the DEC machines that ran Unix were (mostly) '11's and VAXen, and while it may not be in the literature, there was a LOT of denigration of the DEC-provided OS's, like DOS, VMS, RSTS, and RSX.
Nate Duehr wrote:
On Jan 28, 2008, at 11:32 PM, don wrote:
The PDP series ran unix, and I still have the original Bell System Journals here at home describing the philosophy and design behind the unix system. I tried over the last few days of re reading these journals to find any reference to the denigrating of any other systems or their users... Are linux users and prophets now straying far from the original tracks for unix?
I picked up my first Unix disk by going to Murray Hills and being loaned an RK05 pack to take it back in my van (which had PDP-11 license plates).
73, doug