If you make too big of an issue out of this motor vehicle divisions around the country may begin to treat radio operator pates as vanity plates and charge accordingly.I would care about being charged an additional fee by the DVR!
-----Original Message----- From: Larry Gerhardstein Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12:02 PM To: George and Cheryl Abbott Cc: H. Vordenbaum ; Clint Bradford ; AMSAT BB Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: CA Ham Plates - Warning!
George and Cheryl,
So who is complaining? You? Harvey and I signed using our call signs. I've never complained about hams getting more privileges, voice, WARC bands, digital modes, LF, etc. Leaves more energy to be concerned about hams possibly loosing privileges.
73, Larry W7IN (57 years a ham op.)
On 6/29/2011 7:04 AM, George and Cheryl Abbott wrote:
Why do you think that this is such a big deal?Sounds similar to the old timers complaining about the granting of voice privileges for novices back in the 80's.Get a life!
-----Original Message----- From: H. Vordenbaum
Harvey, K5HV Kerrville, TX
Larry W7IN, Plains MT