From: [email protected]
Ok , label me ignorant .. But is it that difficult to boost its orbit? I guess I need a techie explaination .. Heck .. If its going to just burn up .. Then just before it gets to the point off no return, then take those Huge solar panels to the moon .. LOL or take some of the modules to the moon ..
Whats going to replace the space station? The lunar base?
Anyways... Someone explain to me please lol
Randy - N2CUA
Randy. ISS is not going to just "burn up". ISS is an "engine" and that engine requires federal US dollars to keep running. NASA having just about finished ISS has no idea of what to do with it, and wants to move on to the next grand project. Sadly for them in this time of 1.6 trillion deficts there is no more money for "the next logical step" and so they are forced to find dollars somewhere else...and for them that means shutting down ISS.
NASA isnt going back to the Moon and they are not going to get to shut ISS down. It will be around for a very long time.
Robert WB5MZO
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