Hi Bob and all,
thats really great - good news :-)
Now we have 3 successfully contacts. But it seems, the battery voltage is too low for the beacon. The only thing we can do is to try it again and again - and waiting for more illumination (end of august).
Every reset of COMPASS will set the initial values and the heater will be switched on. So we need a good pass and switch the heater off when it came out out the eclipse. Maybe the time until the next eclipse is long enough to load the batteries and COMPASS remain alive during the next eclipse.
Thank you very much for all your efforts. I am so glad that we have friends around the world :-)
73, Mike DK3WN
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Bob DeVarney W1ICW Gesendet: Sonntag, 17. August 2008 16:38 An: [email protected] Betreff: [amsat-bb] Compass-1 recovery efforts
Mike and team, I was able to send the commands as well this morning on the 14:30 pass over the Eastern US, and received a "chirpy" confirmation tone after each command ( basically after each second # ) I sent the commands a total of five times to make sure they "stuck". Downlink beep was a good solid S-5 using M2 436CP30 and SSB preamp at the antenna. I monitored the satellite for the entire pass and heard nothing else out of it. 73 and VY GUD LUCK de Bob W1ICW And congrats to Alan, ZL2BX!