I am looking for power point presentation suitable for a hamfest forum..
The #1 point I make at hamfests are: 1) You dont need special antennas 2) You dont need elevation rotatros 3) You dont need tracking software 4) Just operate from your mobile FM or APRS rig anytime you are commuting or otherwise in the car.
AO51 sked repeats every 5 days, and GO-32 every 9 days. A simple table on your dashboard will give you pass times for months... See http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/MobileLEOtracking.html
But there are a few more slides in my general APRS presentation at the end that also show why elevation is simply not required. In fact, I should cut them out into an AMSAT presentation just for this purpose.
get the power point link at the top of this page: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/aprs.html