8 Jan
8 Jan
6:08 p.m.
Hi I read an article on building a Moxon CP antenna.The article says to keep the 2meter and 70cm antenna 2 wavelengths above ground.I don't think that would work installing it against my house.The 70CM would be to close to the house.I was going to install it about 10 feet apart on a boom but don't want to jeopardize the patterns which is what might happen.here is what it it says" "The antennas can be mounted on the same mast. However, for similar sky-dome patterns, they should each be the same number of wavelengths above ground. For example, if the 2-meter antenna is about two wavelengths up at about 14 feet or so, then the bottom of the 435-MHz antenna should be only about 4.5 feet above the ground. Any opnions? Thanks Rich