Dear Folks:
I have worked several people on HO-113 (it doesn't sound as weak to me as some have said it functions, but I've only covered a few passes so far) and would like to upload those QSO's to LOTW. Unfortunately, the QSO's don't show up despite all other QSO's uploading properly. I have asked several people how to designate the bird in my logging program (I use HRD Deluxe), as I had this happen with the ISS FM Repeater and found out that I needed to designate it as "ARISS" as opposed to "ISS" for the QSO's to get recognized by LOTW.
I have been designating the satellite as "HO-113". Am I doing something wrong? If not, I'll begin looking to see if there is something else I am doing wrong.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
73 de Bernie, KF0QS