For 144 & 432 that is probably adequate. On 2400 the beamwidth of my 33-inch dish is 10.6 deg. (24.9 dBi) so keeping a signal within 1dB, probably requires 3 deg beamwidth and knowing true north with an accuracy of 10% of that results in 0.3 deg accuracy.
Of course if you are doing something like eme on 1296 with a 16-foot dish the beamwidth is 3.38 deg. (34.9 dBi). For eme it is desirable to track within 1db of maximum gain which may is something like 1-deg. and 10% accuracy is 0.1 deg. How would you set up a dish azimuth so that it is that accurate to true north? For eme it usually requires comparison with tracking sw for location of the Sun or Moon. At these freq. and dish sizes one can detect solar and lunar noise to peak onto, then adjust az and el calib. to match tracking sw az and el.
Yes, I used sun noise to align my 36" dish at 2.4 gigs, it was certainly adequate for ham work...
I've been tempted to try EME, and may yet do so.... Looks as tho any HEO is a way off, if ever...
But still counting on ESA and Peter to make it so...
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...