Hi All,
A while back, an article about a FT-817 Satellite Control Interface was published in QST. There were numerous requests for boards and kits on the project. There is a small quantity of the boards and kits available but the procurement information didn't make it in the original article.
The raw boards are available for $20, and a kit with the board, parts and programmed PIC is available for $35. You can send an email to Debra Johnson at ARRL HQ and order them from her ([email protected]). The proceeds from this effort is going back to AMSAT and the Fox birds, so anything above and beyond these amounts (which are basically at cost) will go into space as part of Fox.
Questions? Let me know [email protected].
Mark Spencer, WA8SME
Education and Technology Program Director
ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM
43 Pinelock Dr.
Gales Ferry, CT 06335
860-460-1139 (cell)