An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at "A.Gramsci-N.Pende", Noicattaro, Italy and Istituto Comprensivo "Tauro - Viterbo", Castellana Grotte (Ba), Italy on 21 Oct. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 14:23 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between IR0ISS and IZ7RTN. The contact should be audible over Italy and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in Italian.
School Information:
The Comprehensive School "A.Gramsci-N.Pende" Institute, combines the story of two schools in the area nojano long. An intense work of analysis and comparison between the realities of the schools has led to identify the common elements, and the specific objectives that constitute the rails of the teaching and culture of our institution. The Comprehensive School "A. Gramsci - N. Pende", formed from 1 September 2012 as a result of the process of sizing the school network operated by the Region of Puglia. The Institute comprises three segments school so distinct:
1. Kindergarten "Sabin- area 167"
2. Primary School "A.Gramsci" where are located the bureau and secretariat
3. High school first grade "N. Pende ", in distinct complexes via Lamanna and Parchitello, residential area bordering Torre a Mare.
The presence of the three segments of the school favors the union and the educational continuity and guarantees the unity of purpose and action
The population of the newborn Comprehensive School "Gramsci - Pende", fully reflecting the reality in which they operate, with the presence of users who range from 3 to 13 years and is very diversified socio-economic and cultural backgrounds; currently the school welcomes 1040 students, including many immigrants, to which the Headmaster and the entire teaching staff and non-teaching ensures warmth and well-being through physical and mental resources
fielded by CRIT - Centro Cultural Resources of the Territory - which headquarters in the Institute and that for several years has been conducting actions aimed at the construction of an integrated training system with the support and cooperation of all agencies in the area.
"Viterbo" Secondary School, belonging to "Istituto Comprensivo G. Tauro - S. Viterbo", has been aiming at achieving the aims and goals of this course of studies for some time, offering a wide variety of curricular and extracurricular activities. In particular, the course of musical
instrument has been and is a further element of enrichment of curriculum, because it gives pupils the opportunity to learn the practice of an instrument and to develop skills in music.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. E' vero che state lavorando su un progetto che prevede che anche i
disabili possano andare nello spazio?
2. E' vero che nello Spazio c'è il silenzio assoluto?
3. Ci può descrivere esattamente la Terra vista dallo spazio in questo
4. Come riesci a gestire i tuoi sentimenti sulla Stazione Spaziale senza
farti invadere dalla tristezza per la lontananza dai tuoi cari?
5. Condividere per tanto tempo con un collega uno spazio molto limitato come
quello di una navicella spaziale, può portare ad incomprensioni o litigi?
6. Quando terminerai la tua carriera da astronauta che cosa pensi di fare
della tua vita?
7. Quali reazioni chimiche avvengono in modo diverso nello spazio?
8. La cagnetta Laika fu lanciata nello spazio il 3 novembre del 1957 a bordo
dello Sputnik. Cosa ne pensi di questo? E' una crudeltà?
9. Ci puoi descrivere cosa si prova ad osservare un'Aurora boreale dalla ISS?
10. Ti piacerebbe insegnare ai tuoi nipoti la carriera da Astronauta?
11. A proposito degli esperimenti sull'osteoporosi che state svolgendo a
bordo, quali ricadute ci potranno essere per gli esseri umani sulla
12. In base alla sua esperienza, ci insegna che dobbiamo puntare sempre in
alto, anche nei momenti più difficili. Quale è il suole messaggio per
13. In assenza di gravità il cibo che mangiate quali modifiche subisce?
14. Quando si ritorna sulla Terra avete difficoltà nel movimento? Dopo quanto
tempo si superano tali difficoltà?
15. La pelle umana è vero che invecchia prima quando si trascorre lunghi
periodi nello Spazio rispetto a vivere sulla terra?
16. Se dentro la stazione spaziale c'è "microgravità", come mai gli oggetti
fluttuano ugualmente?
17. In assenza di fattori ambientali esterni, le cellule invecchiano con la
stessa velocità in assenza di gravità?
18. Dato che avete raggiunto un'età importante per viaggiare nello spazio,
cosa intendete fare per proseguire il vostro lavoro di astronauta?
19. Gli esperimenti che state svolgendo a bordo della Stazione Spaziale hanno
già risultati?
20. Io ho 9 anni, vorrei sapere, ogni volta che va in orbita, ritorna anche
lei bambino curioso ed entusiasta con tanta voglia di imparare nuove
lezioni che lo spazio le insegna?
1. Is it true that you are working on a project that also allows disabled
people to go to space?
2. Is there absolute silence in Space?
3. Can you exactly describe the Earth from the space at this time?
4. How you manage your feelings on the Space Station without getting by
sadness for the distance from your loved ones?
5. You all sharing so much time with a colleague a very limited space like
that of a spaceship. Can lead to misunderstandings or quarrels?
6. When will you end your astronaut career? what do you plan to do in your
7. Which chemical reactions occur differently in space?
8. Laika dog that was in the space on November 3, 1957 on Sputnik. What do
you think about it? This is cruelty or not?
9. Can you describe what you are trying to observe Aurora from the Space
10. Would you like to teach your grandchildren a career as astronaut?
11. About the experiments on the osteoporosis you are carrying on board, what
could be the consequences for human beings on earth?
12. You teach us that we must always aim at the highest, even in the most
difficult moments. What is your message for us?
13. In the absence of gravity, what foods do you eat? What changes it
14. When you return to Earth, you have difficulty in moving. How much time do
you overcome these difficulties?
15. It is true that human skin ages faster when you spend long periods in
Space as compared with living on earth?
16. If there is microgravity inside the space station, how are the objects
floating equally?
17. In the absence of external environmental factors, cellules aging at the
same speed when you are without gravity?
18. Since you have reached an important age for traveling in space, what do
you intend to do to continue your astronaut work?
19. Do you have already results about the experiments you are doing on the
Space Station?
20. I am nine, would like to know, whenever you return from space, do you
have a curious and enthusiastic child waiting with the desire to learn
the new lessons that space teaches us?
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About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) topics by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students in classrooms or informal education venues. With the help of experienced amateur radio volunteers, ISS crews speak directly with large audiences in a variety of public forums. Before and during these radio contacts, students, teachers, parents, and communities learn about space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org, www.amsat.org, and www.arrl.org.
Thank you & 73,
David - AA4KN
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