We used my M2 Leo Pack antenna at the Houston Hamfest Saturday and they worked great from AOS to LOS on both passes. Both antennas use 'N' connectors.
If you are going to build them, I would suggest installing the driven elements last, do not use the push retainers on those two until you are all done building the antenna. I built mine and messed up 2 of the push retainers. I think there were 1 extra in each of the 2m and 70cm antennas but I pushed a little too hard and the elements were no longer centered. You cannot back them up. You have to replace them. M2 does not ship one or two of them, I had to purchase a package of 50 just to get 2 of them. Cost... $13. I reckon if anyone else makes an oops, I can drop a few in the U.S. mail to you.
Just a heads up. They will be shipping out the last of the AMSAT orders that have been waiting to ship... 5 going out in today's UPS delivery. They will have some packaged and on the shelf ready to ship for those that are ready to order now. No waiting.