According to NOVA Delfi-Ce emerges from eclipse at approx. 0523utc, today. It is still daylight here at 0506 and sun will set at 0552. We have 15h 39m daylight at this time of year (sunrise is 1413utc/ 6:13am local).
73 Ed - KL7UW
At 05:46 PM 4/28/2008, Rick Mann wrote:
On Apr 28, 2008, at 18:42:56, Alan wrote:
In SATPC32 - use the "S" option to turn the "Sun Line ON/OFF" and status of satellite will show "SAT in SUN" or "SAT in ECLIPSE" beside your QTH co-ordinates in top left corner.
Ah, I'm on a Mac...
Thus, the satellite may be over the dark side of the earth while its elevation will put it up into the sun.
Very handy for AO-7 too.
Can't give you specific info as you didn't tell us your QTH. Need more than just the 4 character grid square.
My QTH shouldn't be necessary to tell if the satellite is in or out of eclipse at a given time, right? I just need to know if it's out of eclipse in the 10 - 15 minutes after each of these times (tonight):
0342 UTC 0516 UTC
Unless I'm completely forgetting something...
-- Rick
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