I'm looking at solutions for radios for roving operation that SatPC would control to handle the doppler. I'm getting up in years and trying to keep two radios tracking as well as bumping the antenna is a lot of moving parts for me to keep track of....perhaps if I had years of experience it would be a piece of cake...but, I don't relish the thought of taking the time to become proficient, I'm not getting any younger.
I do have an IC-9700 but prefer to keep that set up as a base unit....I can get a handle which I guess makes it portable but prefer to not be shuttling it between the shack and the truck...but, is anyone doing that currently?
I have an FT-817 and an FT-857 which I can use as a full duplex but those small screens are near impossible for me to see with vision issues....and I don't see full duplex all mode rigs on the market (unless I'm missing something).
My goal is to be working the linear sats....so what are others using that are currently available rigs? I can't afford another 9700 to dedicate to roving use (would be nice)...
Open to suggestions and how others are doing it.
73 de Tim, K4SHF FM04